Saving the environment with Vagrant

I’ve been playing a bit with Vagrant, an easy way to set up virtual machines for development purposes. Vagrant provides a simple command line interface paired with a setup script (VagrantFile) in Ruby to provision virtual machines, share folders between the host and the virtual machine and to provide port forwarding. I’ve been using it to set up some Linux development environments on Windows, as well as just for keeping my development machine clean, and running different versions of otherwise incompatible packages/gems. [Read More]

Feature request for SQL Server Management Studio

A “You sure you want to do this?” confirmation when you attempt to run a query that contains a destructive update (delete/update) without a where clause. With the hoards of database tables being accidentally wiped in the world, why hasn’t this been done yet? This feature would sure remove a lot of fear of pressing F5. Those who are not afraid running a delete query query on a production database clearly haven’t lived long enough yet. [Read More]

Avoid the home page in Internet Explorer

More for my own records than anything else… I’m a big fan of the about:blank home page, but sometimes corporate policies dictate (and enforce) the company intranet site as IE’s home page. To start IE without going to the set home page, add the nohome command line parameter as such :

"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -nohome

Photo by Colin Rex on Unsplash


NGenerics on Ohloh

I share the same sentiment as Ayende on the visibility of open source project usage - page views and downloads are not useful in determining usage. If you do use NGenerics in your projects (whether it be public or private), you can let us know on the Ohloh project page. If you’re using it in an public/open source project, drop us a line so that we can add a link to you in our Hall Of Fame. [Read More]

LiveWriter Plugins

Just installed a bunch of them - ahh, it’s good to have them back.

Cayla’s Teeth

13 September 2008 - Update : We’ve just found the little girl in the picture’s first tooth!

Photo by Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash

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